
Commuting By Bike ‘Makes You Less Stressed Than Driving’

A new study appears to have found that those who cycle to work in the mornings are less stressed, at least in the early part of their day, than their counterparts who drive in. The Guardian reported on the research, which was published in the International Journal of Workplace Health Management.

The researchers noted that for the first 45 minutes of the day, those who had cycled to work experienced less stress than those who travelled in by car.

They also pointed out that how you start your day can be a strong indication of how you’ll feel for the rest of it, commenting that it can “shape how subsequent events are perceived, interpreted and acted upon”.

With that in mind, you may want to invest in some new bike storage to encourage more of your employees to cycle to work rather than jumping in the car.

As well as helping reduce people’s stress levels, cycling has other obvious health benefits. Research published earlier this year also found a link between cycling to work and a reduced risk of developing cancer or heart disease.

The figures reported by scientists at the University of Glasgow were quite significant, with those who commute by bike experiencing a 50 per cent lower risk of developing heart disease and a 45 per cent lower risk of developing cancer, than those who didn’t have an active commute.